2014年1月13日 星期一


Photo: An asteroid impact caused the last mass extinction event, which occurred 65 million years ago. (NASA: Reuters)
一時間有超過75%的生物滅絕的事件稱為大滅絕。地史上一共發生過五次。海洋地質學者Mike Coffin教授認為,人類有可能在五百年間完成第六次。(不過這應該不算新聞了,2011年自然雜誌也有類似的論文)

Marine geophysicist Mike Coffin says humans could wipe out 75pc of Earth's species within 500 years

Humans could wipe out three quarters of the Earth's species within 240 to 500 years in an event known as a mass extinction, a Hobart-based scientist says.


美研究预言地球第6次大灭绝 将摧毁75%的生命

Has the Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived?